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Morning Announcements

Each school day, we will post morning announcements here on our website.

Announcements can also be found on our app. To download our free app, go to the Google Play or Apple App store, download the Stark County Catholic Schools app, then follow Central Catholic High School and enable notifications. 

If you missed a day, please scroll through all announcements, as we don't always post repeat announcements. 

Wednesday, January 15

Admin: Friday will be a Spirit Day. You can wear Central, Ohio State or Notre Dame.

Service Opportunities:
The Food Cupboard will be closed on January 20th for Martin Luther King day.

There are still open dates to help Mr. Campbell with elementary school basketball.

Extra help is needed for Recycling during Exam Week immediately after exams each day. Extra boxes will be in the halls for recycling paper, cardboard, notebooks... and for collecting any reusable school supplies to be donated. 1⁄2 hour of service is available per day. Sign up on the Google doc and see Mrs. Dick (in Room 305) for instructions after the exam.

Recycling During Exam Week:
Boxes will be placed throughout the halls where lockers are for recycling during exam week. These are not for plastic bottles, food or any other trash. Only paper and other recyclable or reusable school supplies should be put in these boxes. At the end of the year we will donate reusable school supplies such as binders and notebooks but used paper and full notebooks can be recycled in these boxes.
Please practice caring for our earth by using these boxes appropriately (which includes keeping actual trash out of them) during exam week!

Guidance Department:
Canton Student Loan Foundation is now accepting applications for next school year. Applications are available online at Loans can be taken for 2 or 4 year degrees. Please see Mrs. Waltenbaugh with any questions you may have.

Any one taking Calligraphy next semester needs to have a calligraphy pen for the class on the first day Tuesday, January 21. If purchasing a pen set thru Amazon make sure you are ordering a calligraphy pen and not a fountain pen set. If you have any questions about this see Mrs. Zahler before the second semester begins.

Spring Musical:
Auditions for the spring musical "The Sound of Music" will be this Wednesday and Friday. Audition sign up sheets are in the main office. Use the QR code on posters around the school for more details about how to audition.

Students! This is your chance to weigh in on this year's yearbook theme! Visit the link in your google classroom to vote for suggested themes, or enter your own. Vote by Thursday, January 16 at 9am to make your voice heard! And, don't forget, this year's Vigil is accepting YOUR photos! These are your stories. Check out the link in your google classroom to send in your photos for consideration.

Basketball Spirit Shirts:
Orders for Basketball Spirit Shirts are due by this Friday. Please see Mrs. Harris in 208 if you have questions or need an order form.

Running Club is canceled this week. Will resume next Tuesday.
Big win over Lake Center Last night, with 33 points Luke Vlacovsky becomes the 2nd leading scorer.
Girls and Boys Bowling will have a match this afternoon against Glenoak at 4:00pm.
Girls Varsity Basketball will have a home game this evening against Walsh Jesuit at 6:30pm.

Tuesday, January 14

Service Opportunities:
The Food Cupboard will be closed on January 20th for Martin Luther King day.

There are still open dates to help Mr. Campbell with elementary school basketball.

Extra help is needed for Recycling during Exam Week immediately after exams each day. Extra boxes will be in the halls for recycling paper, cardboard, notebooks... and for collecting any reusable school supplies to be donated. 1⁄2 hour of service is available per day. Sign up on the Google doc and see Mrs. Dick (in Room 305) for instructions after the exam.

Recycling During Exam Week:
Boxes will be placed throughout the halls where lockers are for recycling during exam week. These are not for plastic bottles, food or any other trash. Only paper and other recyclable or reusable school supplies should be put in these boxes. At the end of the year we will donate reusable school supplies such as binders and notebooks but used paper and full notebooks can be recycled in these boxes. Please practice caring for our earth by using these boxes appropriately (which includes keeping actual trash out of them) during exam week!

Guidance Department:
Canton Student Loan Foundation is now accepting applications for next school year. Applications are available online at Loans can be taken for 2 or 4 year degrees. Please see Mrs. Waltenbaugh with any questions you may have.

Any one taking Calligraphy next semester needs to have a calligraphy pen for the class on the first day Tuesday, January 21. If purchasing a pen set thru Amazon make sure you are ordering a calligraphy pen and not a fountain pen set. If you have any questions about this see Mrs. Zahler before the second semester begins.

Spring Musical:
Auditions for the spring musical "The Sound of Music" will be this Wednesday and Friday. Audition sign up sheets are in the main office. Use the QR code on posters around the school for more details about how to audition.

Students! This is your chance to weigh in on this year's yearbook theme! Visit the link in your Google classroom to vote for suggested themes, or enter your own. Vote by Thursday, January 16 at 9am to make your voice heard! And, don't forget, this year's Vigil is accepting YOUR photos! These are your stories. Check out the link in your google classroom to send in your photos for consideration.

Basketball Spirit Shirts:
Orders for Basketball Spirit Shirts are due by this Friday. Please see Mrs. Harris in 208 if you have questions or need an order form.

Running Club is canceled this week. Will resume next Tuesday.

The bowling teams had a match against United yesterday. The Girls Varsity won against United, 1,685 to 1,347. High score for the girls' team was a tie between Jessica Jenkins and Addie Guenther with a two-game series of 301. The Boys Varsity team won against United, 1,795 to 1,719. High score for the boys' team was bowled by Logan Gawlak with a two-game series of 416. Games over 200 were bowled by Logan Gawlak with a 224. The bowling teams are in action again tomorrow with an away
match at Park Centre against Glenoak.

Boys JV and Varsity Basketball will have a home game this evening against Lake Center Christian. JV will begin at 5:30pm followed by Varsity at 7:00pm.

Monday, January 13

Service Opportunities:
Food Cupboard is today in SJA Social Hall.

The Food Cupboard will be closed on January 20th for Martin Luther King day.

There are still open dates to help Mr. Campbell with elementary school basketball.

Extra help is needed for Recycling during Exam Week immediately after exams each day. Extra boxes will be in the halls for recycling paper, cardboard, notebooks... and for collecting any reusable school supplies to be donated. 1⁄2 hour of service is available per day. Sign up on the Google doc and see Mrs. Dick (in Room 305) for instructions after the exam.

Recycling During Exam Week:
Boxes will be placed throughout the halls where lockers are for recycling during exam week. These are not for plastic bottles, food or any other trash. Only paper and other recyclable or reusable school supplies should be put in these boxes. At the end of the year we will donate reusable school supplies such as binders and notebooks but used paper and full notebooks can be recycled in these boxes. Please practice caring for our earth by using these boxes appropriately (which includes keeping actual trash out of them) during exam week!

Guidance Department:
Canton Student Loan Foundation is now accepting applications for next school year. Applications are available online at Loans can be taken for 2 or 4 year degrees. Please see Mrs. Waltenbaugh with any questions you may have.

Any one taking Calligraphy next semester needs to have a calligraphy pen for the class on the first day Tuesday, January 21. If purchasing a pen set thru Amazon make sure you are ordering a calligraphy pen and not a fountain pen set. If you have any questions about this see Mrs. Zahler before the second semester begins.

Spring Musical:
Auditions for the spring musical "The Sound of Music" will be next Wednesday and Friday. Audition sign up sheets are in the main office. Use the QR code on posters around the school for more details about how to audition.

Varsity Boys Basketball had a great comeback upset win over the Massillon Tigers. Jake Bowling led with 22 points, shooting 6 for 7 from 3 point range. Luke Vlacovsky totaled 20 points and Lance Vlacovsky scored 19. Shout out to the boys and all of the fans!

The wrestling team had another great tournament at the Chippewa Intermediate Tournament. The Cru placed 4th overall, as a team. Individual placements include: 165 lbs 5th Place Gunnar Osborne. 285 lbs 5th Place Axel Estrada. 150 lbs 4th Place Terrance Jackson. 150 lbs 3rd Place Limyerre Goodgame. 215 lbs 3rd Place Jesus Martinez. 157 lbs 1st Place Jeremy Earley. 175 lbs 1st Place Issac Rey.

Girls & Boys Bowling will have a match against United this afternoon at 3:30pm.

Freshmen Boys Basketball will have a home game this evening against Louisville at 5:30pm.

Running Club is canceled this week. Will resume next Tuesday.

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