On Saturday, October 5th, the Central Catholic Volleyball Team invited players from our elementary partner schools to join them for a home volleyball game.
Elementary students received free admission to the game & spirit gear. Grade school players were recognized before the varsity game, ran through our high school player tunnel, and had special seating. It's a fun annual tradition! Check out their entrance by watching the video above or visit our
YouTube CCHS Playlist.
Next up for our Crusader Community Events:
Homecoming Football Game/Alumni Night: Friday, October 11
5:30-6:30 pm Alumni Tailgate
Alumni & their families are invited, hot dogs & sides provided, bring your beverages.
7:00 pm Kick-Off
Alumni should visit the Alumni Table for their free gift. Our Merch Table will be open. Student Council will be at
taking orders for our Beat STA Spirit Gear.
Trunk or Treat: Sunday, October 20
1:30-3:30 pm at the CCHS Parking Lot
All ages welcome, enjoy trunk or treat, games, crafts, photo opps, and snacks
Rivalry Football Game: Thursday, October 24
Elementary students with the CCHS Fear the Cru Spirit Shirt will receive free admission!
The Merch Table will be open during pre-game.
Help us beat STA! We’re having a contest against STA to see which school can collect the most non-perishable
food items or donations to give to Catholic Charities. Bring your donations to place in our collection boxes.
Fall Open House: Sunday, Nov. 3
12:00-2:00 pm at CCHS
Take student-led tours, talk with teachers & coaches, enjoy Crusader give-aways.
Any family that attends will be entered for a raffle for spirit gears, athletic passes, and a $500 tuition credit.
We hope to see you on campus!