The Feast of St. Francis was on October 4th.
St. Francis is the patron saint of many things including animals and the environment. He was well known for his love of all creatures. The Blessing of Pets is intended to help us remember that all creatures come from God and that we are called to care for all of His creation.
"In His hand is the life of every creature (Job 12:10)."
On Saturday, October 5th, Central Catholic held its annual Pet Blessing on the front lawn of the campus. Deacon Randy led attendees in prayer and blessed each pet. Families who attended received a St. Francis medal for their pets, a prayer card, and were entered in a Crusader basket raffle. It was a beautiful afternoon on campus, surrounded by our pets, as we were reminded that our pets and our beautiful 65-acre campus are all gifts from God.
It was thrilling to see so many pets in attendance, we had dogs, cats, and even a Guinea Pig! There were current students and their families, partner school families, and alumni who all brought their pets for a blessing. We are continually grateful to see so much engagement in our Crusader Community Events.
Interested in learning more about why the Church celebrates Pet Blessing? Here is a great article from:
Catholic Link.
Here are other community events coming up:
Friday, October 11 - Homecoming Football Game/Alumni Night, 7 pm
Sunday, October 20 - Trunk or Treat, 1:30
Thursday, October 24 - STA Rivalry Football Game, 7 pm
November 1-3 - Fall Play "Sherlock Holmes," 7:30 pm Friday & Saturday and 2:30 pm Sunday
November 3 - Fall Open House, 12 pm
We hope to see you as you #ExploreCrusaderCampus!