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Crusaders start Esports Team

Coming to the halls of Central Catholic is a club at the height of computer technology! We are excited to announce that an ESports team has been started this school year as a result of student interest. 

Preparation for our new team began in the 2021-2022 school year with the purchase and assembly of uniquely built gaming PCs. Each one of these new computers was assembled by a Central Catholic student, has some of the fastest processing power on the market, and is capable of running a host of applications.

Within the past decade, video games have grown from a hobby to competitive activity. In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in the number of ESports teams around the world. Now, here at Central Catholic, we have created our own team, fielded with some of the best equipment!

We’re excited to offer this cutting-edge, advanced technology club here at Central Catholic. Members of the team will have the capability to compete in competitive video game challenges. Students interested in joining Central's Esports team are invited to attend an organizational meeting on Thursday, September 1st at 7:30 AM in the 4th-floor computer lab, room 405.

*Post & photos taken by Business & Leadership Intern, junior, Tim Short.  

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