Biographical Information:
My name is Renee Murphy and I am the Admissions Director at Saint Paul School since March of 2023. I have been a parishioner of Saint Paul Parish since my 2005. I graduated from Kent State University with A Bachelor of Science Degree in Education in 2002! I taught elementary school from 2002-2008 when I had from first child Reese. I have since earned my Notary Public Commission and I have volunteered in almost every position available at Saint Paul School. My husband Sean and I started the Bowling Club here at Saint Paul 2018. I help out with the drama program and have just finished being the Home and School President. I have 4 wonderful children. Reese an SPS grad is now a freshman, Cecilia is a current 7th grader, Evin a 5th grader, and Cole J is a 2nd grader all go to Saint Paul School.
I love being the admissions director here at Saint Paul and working with the families, teachers, and children is a passion of mine! I am extremely proud to be a part of this beautiful community, and I thank God I get to witness the beautiful job and opportunities the teachers and staff give to our students! I feel lucky to be a part of such a wonderful place!