News Article

A Letter from Principal Calandros

September 3, 2020

Dear Regina Coeli families,

In efforts to continually communicate with our families, especially in the midst of ever-evolving circumstances surrounding COVID-19, we wanted to let all of you know that Regina Coeli is receiving attention in the news for having a student test positive for COVID-19.

As you know on Saturday, August 29, we were informed that a student tested positive for COVID-19. The Alliance Health Department was closed at that time so a decision was made that 4th-grade students should stay home from school on Monday, August 31 until we could receive guidance from the health department.

The health department asked one student, who tested positive, and two classmates in close proximity, as a precaution, to quarantine for 14 days. They determined that the rest of the 4th-grade class could safely return to in-person learning on Tuesday, September 1.

Tuesday, September 1, our administration was contacted by a local news outlet about students at Regina Coeli testing positive for COVID-19. That reporter also contacted the Alliance Department of Health.
It is our intention to be as transparent as we can be about our response to COVID-19 and wanted to share some information with you.  

•  Confidentiality has guided our communications. We want to assure you that we have maintained student and family confidentiality. We have not and we would not release any names. Family privacy is important to us.
• The Alliance Health Department was happy with the way we handled the situation and assured us that we followed all proper protocols. Our local health department advised us that that it was safe for students in 4th-grade to return to in-person learning on Tuesday, September 1.
• Additional sanitizing and disinfecting occurred after we received a notice that we had a student test positive for COVID-19.
• Students and staff continue to wear masks, social distance and sanitize regularly. As expected, classrooms are being sanitized throughout the day. At the end of the school day the building is being sanitized and disinfected again.
• As you know, we have a virtual learning option this year for any family who is not comfortable with in-person learning. For students who have to quarantine, they are able to stay connected to our Regina Coeli school family and continue their learning using virtual learning. Our staff is prepared for all possible learning contingencies so that every student can continue to receive the education they deserve.
• The health and safety of our students and staff are our top priority.
We thank all of you for your cooperation and your positive outlook as we work together to do our very best to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 while allowing our students to learn and come together as a school family.

As we work together, we remind each family to review our COVID-19 safety protocols. On our website, we have a page with information about COVID-19, please visit that page at COVID-19 Information and Resources. We also ask that each of you join us in prayer for all families impacted by COVID-19 and our community at-large.


Mario Calandros
Regina Coeli Catholic School

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