Students are encouraged to participate in a variety of service projects throughout the year. Jesus’ life focused on serving others. Using His example, we find numerous ways to help those in need. Students also learn our Catholic beliefs concerning these matters based on biblical teaching, and ways they can incorporate these teachings into their everyday lives.
St. Mary Service Projects
- "Sock It to Me" - In leiu of collecting a dollar for a jeans day, students are asked to donate at least on pair of new, white, mens socks. Those socks are donated to Hope Outreach.
- "Classroom Coin Challenge" - Change collected will be used to purchase books for Toys for Tots
- Classes compete in a Canned Food Drive for Thanksgiving
It seems easy to donate money but donating time is another way we are teaching our children to serve one another. The Eighth Grade must complete 25 service hours (15 are for Confirmation), and the Seventh Grade must complete 10 service hours. The hours could include volunteering at a soup kitchen, cleaning the cemetary, or raking the yard of someone who is unable to perfom that task. Whatever they choose, we want the students to be aware of how helping others is serving Christ.