Faith Development

Stark County Catholic Schools is a community of faith where each student is respected and is valued for their unique God-given identities. 

Our students are given a solid foundation in Catholic teaching and tradition which in turn provides a distinctive moral vision for the world. The substance and quality of religious education provide an environment that bridges religion and spirituality. Curiosity is encouraged so that our students can learn to see the world, and each other, through the eyes of God.

Service to others is taught to our students starting in preschool and is a tradition that is carried on throughout their high school careers and beyond. The life lesson of loving God and loving our neighbor is taught to students by promoting the act of helping others in our surrounding community. Our young people begin to understand the meaning of community life, interdependence, commitment, and service to others while being challenged to think critically for real-life problem-solving. Learning the language of faith, and its application within a variety of service-learning experiences expands the meaning and relevance of Christian living for our students.

Faith Development at Stark County Catholic Schools:
  •  Children of all faiths are prepared to be adults through religious, moral and spiritual development through religious coursework, prayer, masses and service projects. 
  •  Prayer is integrated throughout the daily student life. Generally, students attend and plan weekly or bi-weekly Masses.
  • Liturgical experiences teach our students to be confident and courageous by engaging them as active participants in the Mass, and sharing and developing their particular talents as readers, servers or musicians; some as early as kindergarten. 
  • Our families are also welcomed and encouraged to participate in the school community celebration of Mass.  
  • Once in high school, students participate in days of Recollection and faith retreats that allow individuals to spend time and reflect with God, their classmates, and mentors. 
  • Students participate in unique service-learning projects that allow them to exercise their God-given talents and share the love of God with their community.
  • As part of our mission to help each student to be productive, conscious and spiritual members of society, Stark County Catholic Schools’ students complete countless hours of service during the school year. During the school year our students complete approximately 18,000 hours of service.
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