From the Principal

boy student
St. Paul Catholic School is as a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence: St. Paul's annually graduates students fully prepared both academically and spiritually for life. St. Paul School is recognized for cultivating a positive Catholic identity, developing the whole person, and providing learning in a safe and loving atmosphere of care and concern. Our school mission celebrates the Gospel message of Jesus and provides excellence in education. 

St. Paul has a broad and rich curriculum: Classes, from Pre-K through 8th grade, offer core subjects: religion, language arts, math, social studies, and science. Student learning is enhanced through classes in physical education, technology, music, and visual art. At the middle school level, 8th grade students take Spanish I, for a high school credit, and can qualify to take 9th-grade level Algebra I. St. Paul School offers special education accommodations.

Helping children grow in faith: We attend Mass each week. Students take religion courses. Service is central to our mission as a Catholic community. Each grade has unique opportunities to deepen their faith. Through weekly mass, monthly adoration, regular reconciliation, and service, our students are fully immersed in developing strong faith lives.  

Technology at SPS: Technology has provided opportunities for exciting teaching and learning. Students attending St. Paul School benefit from a technology lab and weekly instruction. All classrooms utilize interactive technology. We are a 1:1 technology school, all students receive their own personal Chromebooks in grades 3-8. Grades K-2 are also 1:1, they utilize iPads which remain in their classroom for personal use. Our renovated library-media center offers students access to books, ipads, research technology, and 2 large screen TVs for learning. 

A vibrant and active community: Our parents and families are involved in every facet of campus life from volunteering to fundraising to service. Our students are involved in athletics at all levels, as well as, in our highly successful theatre program, robotics, and academic competitions. 

Academic Excellence: The academic high school record of our students is one in which we take pride. Many of our students have graduated with honors from college and graduate programs. Our students take nationally normed tests in grades K - 8 in order to have a broad gauge of our effectiveness. Our students traditionally, on average, score in the top 15% nationally.

Working in partnership with school families. To better assist the needs of today’s parents, St. Paul also has an after-school care program and a hot lunch program. 

St. Paul offers values and excellence in education. We invite you to visit the school and to understand our love and pride for St. Paul Catholic School. Please call and make an appointment. We would be happy to give you a tour of our unique and active campus!


Mr. Mike Brown

To visit our school, contact our Admissions Director, Renee Murphy 
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