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Please fill out the information below to complete the first step in our school's admissions process. This is not an application but it will begin our admissions process.

You will be contacted with more information within 48 hours of submitting your inquiry. 

Please check the box below to confirm that you are interested in learning more about St. Paul Catholic School.
Please select which items you are interested in learning more about

Parent/Legal Guardian First & Last Name (1)
Parent/Legal Guardian First & Last Name (2)
Parent/Guardian Phone Number
Parent/Guardian email address
Parent/Guardian Address: Street, City, State & Zip Code
Child's First & Last Name
Child's Birth Month and Year
Child's Current Grade
Child's Current School
The grade your child is applying for
What public school district does your child reside in
Are there any academic programs, student activities, clubs and organizations, or athletic teams you wish to know more about
Your Name:
Your Email:

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