St. Paul Early Childhood Center

Welcome to St. Paul Early Childhood Center!
We offer a loving environment, filled with fun activities and 
top-notch teachers!
Multi-room facility serving ages 3, 4 and 5
Schedule options include 2, 3, 4, and 5 days
Half or full day options: 8:00am-11:00am, or 8:00am-2:30pm
Afterschool care is available until 6:00pm
Small class sizes & group instruction
One-on-one, personalized education
Integrated technology
Library, Gym, and renovated playground
Secured campus
Cross-curriculum learning: Music, Art, and STEM
Faith development and prayer
Exploring, playing, sharing

Mission Statement
St. Paul School encourages excellence and nurtures lifelong learners as we strive to live and serve like Jesus. 

Entrance Requirements
1. The child must be capable of profiting from the program offered.
2. The child must be 3 years of age by September 30th for the 3-year-old program.
3. The child must be 4 years of age by September 30th for the 4-year-old program.
4. The child enrolling in the 5-year-old program will be evaluated by the teacher before acceptance.
5. The child must have potential to function successfully in a group.
6. The child must be toilet trained and use the toilet independently.

Admission Procedures
Registration at St. Paul Preschool will be accepted in the following order:
1. Children currently enrolled at St Paul Preschool, children with siblings enrolled in St. Paul School, and children of St. Paul School and Church staff members.
2. Children of families who are registered and active members of St. Paul Church.
3. Children of families who attend another local Catholic Church.
4. Children of non-parishioners on a space-available basis.

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