The Central Catholic Athletic Booster Club is an organization of parents, staff, alumni and supporters with the goal of promoting school spirit and enhancing the educational and athletic experience for all Crusader students. All members of our community are encouraged to join, it helps families keep involved in the Crusader family, and helps make a difference in each student's athletic experience!
Our Booster Club has a number of events that bring our community together while raising funds for our athletes:
Annual CCHS Booster Club & Betsy Ziegler ('78) Memorial Steak Fry (held in August)
Annual Booster Club Golf Outing (held in July)
Night at the Races (held in the winter)
Monthly Meetings: The Booster Club meets on the third Monday of each month (unless a holiday falls on that day), please our event calendar for meeting dates.
Anyone from the community can become a member of our Booster Club. To join the Booster Club or for more information, please email our Booster Club at
[email protected] or sign-up to be a member on the
Booster Club Google Form.