News Article

CCHS hosts successful Youth Worship Night

This year, Central Catholic & Stark County Youth Ministries have partnered to offer teens a variety of unique opportunities and settings to practice their faith. The collaboration kicked off with a Youth Worship Night this fall, which included Mass at St. Joan of Arc Church, Adoration at Central's Our Lady of Lourdes outdoor Grotto, and pizza in the Central Catholic Community Room. At each event, teens from area Stark County Catholic Schools and youth ministry groups from multiple Stark County Catholic parishes come together in worship and fellowship.

January 14th, the Crusaders were pleased to host another Youth Worship Night. Fr. Fritz, CCHS Campus Chaplain, & Deacon Randy, CCHS Director of Campus Ministry, celebrated Sunday Mass with more than 80 people, teens and their families, in Theatre 303. The location was unique but a true testament that we can worship God anywhere! After Mass nearly 50 teens stayed for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and then enjoyed dinner & games! 

Mark your calendars for future youth worship events: March 17 (Easter Basket Service Project), April 28 (Spring Worship & Kickball Tournament), and June 7-10 (Mission Weekend). Watch for more details on these events soon! These evenings were created specifically for teens to be leaders and to help them get actively engaged in their faith. We hope more & more students will join us, as well as their families!

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