News Article

Crusader alumni encouraged to "Return Home"

We enjoy having alumni back on campus and have increased our alumni events to help encourage graduates of Mount Marie, St. John and Central Catholic to return for a visit.

Over the summer, we held an Alumni Mass before the Steak Fry and many of our athletic teams hosted alumni events which all had great attendance numbers. Last year, we launched our alumni reunion packages. These packages allow alumni groups to receive a personal tour of the grounds and even host a dinner or luncheon right here on campus. 

We have two great alumni events coming up. 

Fall Homecoming: September 29
Alumni are invited to “return home” for our Homecoming Football Game, Fri. September 29. Alumni members of band, cheerleading, and football are invited to spend the game with our current members. Plus, all alumni can pick up a special gift at the alumni table. 

October 13th Home Football Game
Alumni are invited to return to Lowell Klinefelter Stadium, Fri. October 13, as we celebrate the 35th anniversary of our 1988 State Championship win. Members of that team will be recognized during half-time and have a reception in the Community Room after the game. Members of the 1988 team are asked to RSVP by September 29 by going to

We hope these events remind our community that Crusaders are connected, from 2023 to 1905! After all....

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