Congratulations to Lieutenant Colonel of the U.S. Army Special Forces Michael Adorjan, Crusader Class of 1994, on his retirement after 24 years of service in the Army. He celebrated his retirement this summer in Stuttgart, Germany.
Michael’s family shared the details of his retirement ceremony. Several Generals and Colonels from various Nations were in attendance or on Zoom, including members of the German, French, Italian, and Hungarian Defense Forces, and Ambassador (retired) Donald Yamamoto, the first resident US Ambassador to Somalia since 1991.
A South African General gave an address at the ceremony. The general shared that Michael represented the U.S. well as the Defense Attaché to South Africa and touted his work ethic and moral character. He lauded Michael's efforts in working throughout various African countries. The South African general said that “Michael was not only an outstanding soldier but a diplomat. A true Officer and a Gentleman.”
Michael has had a colorful career. He was awarded the coveted George C. Marshall Award in 1998 which is given to the Outstanding ROTC Graduate. At the ceremony, he received the Legion of Merit from the U.S. Army and the French Defense Medal in Silver for his efforts with the French in West Africa.
Michael gave his gratitude speech in 5 different languages, in Afrikaans, English, French, German and Hungarian. He attributed his success to his Northern Ohio roots and Catholic education.
His family shared that Michael has not forgotten the impact that Central Catholic had on him and that his teachers inspired him to high academic and moral standards. They shared that numerous times during his career, foreign military and political leaders would remark, “You are well educated. I can tell by the way you think.” Michael’s father, a strong Crusader supporter, said “I like to say that the Army made Michael an Officer, but his teachers, especially Mr. Powell, made him a Gentleman. Michael has represented his God and Country well.”
We certainly agree!