News Article

Father Don King leading by example

Our very own SCCS President Reverend Donald King was recently recognized for volunteering his own personal time to go out in the community to serve others when he helped serve meals with Five Loaves and Two Fishes on a chilly Sunday afternoon. 
For those who know Father Don, you know that he's not a leader who offers empty challenges to students, faculty & staff to serve others and live a life rooted in faith. Instead he leads by example serving others in many ways, both seen and unseen, in the public eye and in private and with a heart intent upon listening to the Lord's call. 
Students in our Catholic high schools are encouraged in a number of ways to foster lives rooted in faith. Every student participates in daily prayer and worship, attends Mass regularly, and takes religion courses each semester. Students are also required to complete service hours as part of their graduation requirements. Christ remains at the heart of all we do in our schools, with that spiritual guidance, we believe Crusaders leave our halls with a strong moral compass. 

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