Summer means youth camps on the Crusader campus!
Our Central Catholic Boys Basketball team kicked off our summer youth programs for us with their Crusader Basketball Camp last week (June 12-15). They hosted more than 50 boys in grades 1-8, sharing their talents and enthusiasm with students from elementary schools across the county.
This week, June 19-22, our Crusader Girls Volleyball Team hosts a Youth Volleyball Camp for young ladies in grades 1-8.
Girls Basketball holds their camp from July 10-13 and Boys & Girls Soccer hosts a joint camp from July 24-26, for students in grades 1-8. Our annual Crusaders Football Clinic will also be held later in the summer.
We hope to see many young faces on campus and we're proud to see our Crusaders sharing their time and talents with others.
To learn more about our other youth camps, visit our Youth Camp section under "Announcements," found here:
Youth Camps.