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Two SCCS Administrators complete national fellowships

Two administrators of Stark County Catholic Schools, Ryan Hill and Kristie Cramer recently completed national fellowships! 

Ryan Hill serves as director of enrollment for Stark County Catholic Schools and works out of his office here at STA. He completed the University of Notre Dame's Alliance for Education's Reform Leaders' Summit, a year-long program designed for Catholic school supporters. Fifty of the best leaders nationwide in Catholic education and school choice advocacy are selected for the program each year. As part of the summit, Hill participated in three immersion weekends and monthly digital conferences. 

Kristie Cramer is the director of marketing for Stark County Catholic Schools. She was appointed to the American Federation for Children's (AFC) School Leader Fellowship which selects twelve leaders in private education, from around the country. It was a 9-month program that included two in-person conferences and quarterly digital conferences. 

Both Hill and Cramer started their summers by attending national conferences which marked the completion of their fellowship programs. Hill was at the University of Notre Dame and Cramer was in Washington, D.C. the first week of their summer break meeting with leaders from around the country on education policy. Congratulations to both of them!


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