School Objectives

School Philosophy

St. Thomas Aquinas High School and Middle School is an educational community of students, educators, parents, and clergy seeking truth together in an atmosphere animated by gospel values. As an extension of the local parishes, St. Thomas Aquinas addresses itself to serving the educational and spiritual needs of its students by preparing them to be effective members of the Catholic and global community. The school aims at providing an environment in which Christian Faith in the Catholic tradition affects personal growth (mental, moral, spiritual and physical), citizenship and preparation for further education and vocation.

School Objectives

  • To further our mission and fulfill our philosophy of education, we are committed to the following objectives:
  • To develop an appreciation for the Catholic-Christian tradition, while respecting the tradition of people of all faiths.
  • To provide opportunities for students to become involved in areas of service as the embodiment of Jesus especially to the poor, needy, aged, lonely, disabled and others in need of help.
  • To help students become responsible members of their family, Church and society.
  • To develop within the students a practical understanding of the God-given rights of people and the mutual responsibilities between individuals and society flowing from these rights.
  • To teach the students to be critical thinkers and lifelong learners.
  • To foster the strength of character and self-discipline essential in a democratic society.
  • To aid the students in acquiring a common store of secular knowledge expected of secondary school students; to develop skill in communicating their ideas through writing, speaking and creative expression; to reason clearly and analyze constructively.
  • To develop the skills students will need to make career choices that are in keeping with their interests and abilities.
  • To make use of educational opportunities including field trips, speakers, media, and technological advancements.
  • To offer students the opportunity to work with teachers, administrators and peers for the development of meaningful personal relationships, communication, service and leadership.
  • To promote good sportsmanship and teamwork in all co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
  • To encourage attitudes and habits that foster a healthy lifestyle.
  • To assist students in developing their faith and religious practice through religious studies, service and ministry opportunities, and worship experiences.
  • To foster openness and communication among parents, teachers and administrators.

School Spirituality

Religious education permeates every facet of school life at St. Thomas Aquinas High School and Middle School, and all programs, courses, and activities flow from, and are rooted in, the context of a Catholic community of faith.

We invite others who do not share our Catholic heritage to become part of our community, and we respect the rich traditions and the energizing diversity that result from their presence.

St. Thomas Aquinas High School is foremost a Catholic school operated by the Diocese of Youngstown and supported by the Catholic community of eastern Stark and Portage counties, and the religious education of each student in the Catholic tradition is the primary mission of the school.

The Religious Education Department of St. Thomas Aquinas achieves the goals of this mission through the Proclamation of the Word, the Building of Community, and the Call to Christian Service.

Proclamation of the Word

St. Thomas Aquinas shares in the mission of the Church by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ. The Aquinas community is devoted to the spiritual growth of young adults through formal instructional programs as well as through experiential activities leading to faith formation.

The curriculum of the Religious Education Department includes course work in the areas of Scripture, Morality, Sacraments and Prayer, Social Justice, Church History, World Religions, Contemporary Issues and Lifestyles.

The students of Aquinas receive many opportunities to befriend the elderly, the poor and the dispossessed. The Proclamation of the Word, who is Jesus, enables the students to grow to a greater awareness of themselves and others.

Building Community

Community building embraces all of the curricular and extracurricular programs so that students are provided with a faith context within which to grow, learn, and develop. The Aquinas community seeks to reinforce Catholic Christian values as the basis for decision-making and as the model for personal relationships.

The celebration of the Liturgy is central to this community. Our identity as a faith community is most visible on those occasions when we gather for communal prayer. Above all else, respect for one another is the guiding principle for our interactions: respect for our differences in race, gender, creed and nationality; respect for our various gifts abilities; and respect for one another’s ideas and beliefs.

Serving Others

The dimension of service is a direct result of the love we have for ourselves and others, and the realization that all we have is a gift from God.

The class projects demonstrate the willingness of students to share their time and talents with others. These projects undertaken during the school year include support of the Catholic Community Services and its programs and makes visible Christ’s message. “When you have done this for the least of my sisters and brothers, you have done it to Me” (Matt. 25:40).

Worship and Prayer

The school day begins by recalling God’s presence in our midst through morning prayer. All students and faculty are invited and encouraged to attend morning liturgy when offered. The entire school community gathers for liturgy on special occasions throughout the school year: Opening of school, All Saints Day, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Thanksgiving, Christmas, the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, and Ash Wednesday. Liturgy and prayer are scheduled during the seasons of Advent and Lent. Students are encouraged and given the opportunity to plan and develop liturgical and prayer services as part of their formal religious education classes. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered to students during the seasons of Lent and Advent.

Religious Education Policy and Books

As a Catholic school, St. Thomas Aquinas shares the teaching mission of the Church. The community of young adults, staff, and students, work together, energize one another, and through these personal relationships grow to become who they have been called to be.
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