2024 Distinguished Alumni Recipients, Mr. Shawn Robertson and Dr. Jojo Palutsis with Father Dyer
At our all-school Mass during Catholic Schools Week on January 31st, we honored two STA Alumni, Mr. Shawn Robertson and Dr. Jojo Palutsis. During this Mass Father Dyer spoke about their character, reminisced about their time at STA, and presented them with their awards. Shawn and Jojo gave speeches to STA students about their experiences at St. Thomas Aquinas and how they played such a role in who they are today. These two Alumni were chosen due to their significant achievements in their chosen fields, their service to the community, and how they have worked to make life better for others while exhibiting their witness to Catholic ideals.
Dr. Jojo Palutsis, Class of 1980
Jojo graduated from STA in 1980 and then went on to college at the University Of Notre Dame and graduated in 1984. She attended medical school at Ohio University and graduated in 1989. Jojo then completed her anesthesia residency at Northwestern University Hospitals and the Cleveland Clinic Foundation. She and her husband Roger who is from Chicago, decided to come back to Stark County to start their family and practice medicine. They have been married for 33 years and have 4 children: Eric, Nick, Danielle & Amanda. Jojo is currently an anesthesiologist at Aultman Hospital and has been on staff there since 1994.
Mr. Shawn Robertson, Class of 1986
Shawn graduated from STA in 1986 and played varsity football all four years. Shawn played a key role on the football team that won state in 1984 and was state runner-up in 1985. He was in NHS and the class president all four years of High School. He went on to John Carroll University to receive his B.A. in 1990, then attended the University of Akron for Law School, Juris Doctor 1993. Shawn continues to practice Law at Robertson’s Law Firm in Alliance, Ohio. Shawn is married to Erin (also an attorney). They have three daughters and one son: Molly graduated from STA 2023 and is a freshman at John Carroll University. Bridget is in 9th grade at St. Thomas Aquinas H.S., Colleen is in the 6th grade at St. Thomas Aquinas Middle School and Owen Patrick is in 4th grade at Regina Coeli School in Alliance.