Aquinas' 2019 Fall Homecoming Court
St. Thomas Aquinas High School celebrated their fall homecoming on Friday, October 11 and Saturday, October 12. Friday’s football game against JFK kicked off at 7:00 pm at Aquinas Sirpilla Stadium, and members of the homecoming court were recognized during half-time. Their homecoming dance, “An Enchanted Evening,” was held on Saturday, October 12 at the Canton Museum of Art.
The 2019 Fall Homecoming Court includes:
Mia Schloneger (Junior)
Vincent Zeren (Junior)
Soledad Obrajero (Junior)
D'Andrea Black (Junior)
Jaci Wilson (Senior) - Queen
RaySean Owens (Senior) - King
Colin Brown (Senior)
Erica Warren (Senior)
Max Kaczynski (Senior)
Ja'Niya Williams (Senior)